- Tor Browser Bundle GeoIP torrc - Anti-Censorship and Freedom of the Press

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Additional Censorship Resistance and Safety for all Tor users!

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Disclaimer : can neither confirm nor deny if any combination of these advisory settings will further ensure your privacy, now or forever ... These settings should be considered as 'for research and development' , 'demonstration purposes only' and/or as being 'highly-experimental' in terms of the 'default' Tor client functionality. You agree to continue at your own risk! ...

Advisory GeoIP torrc settings; based on Freedom in the World 2020, the Press Freedom Index 2020 and additional anti-censorship / netizen resources.

References (clearnet links!) :

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  • ---- TORRC ADDITIONS v1.3.0 - LIST START ----

    GeoIPExcludeUnknown 1

    ExcludeNodes default,Unnamed,{??},{ae},{af},{ag},{ao},{az},{bb},{bd},{bh},{bi},{bj},{bn},{bo},{bt},{bw},{by},{cd},{cf},{cg},{ci},{ck},{cm},{cn},{co},{cu},{cy},{dj},{dm},{dz},{ec},{eg},{er},{et},{fj},{ga},{gd},{gh},{gm},{gn},{gq},{gw},{gy},{ht},{id},{iq},{ir},{jm},{jo},{ke},{kg},{kh},{ki},{km},{kn},{kp},{kw},{kz},{la},{lb},{lc},{lk},{lr},{ly},{ma},{ml},{mm},{mr},{mu},{mv},{mw},{my},{na},{ne},{ng},{ni},{np},{om},{pg},{ph},{pk},{ps},{qa},{ru},{rw},{sa},{sb},{sd},{sg},{sl},{sn},{so},{st},{sy},{sz},{td},{tg},{th},{tj},{tm},{tn},{to},{tr},{tt},{tv},{tw},{tz},{ug},{uz},{vc},{ve},{vn},{ws},{ye},{zm},{zw}

    ---- TORRC ADDITIONS v1.3.0 - LIST END ----

    Tip : You might also include your own country code and/or current location!

    Additional Considerations ...

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  • Notes : default,Unnamed = slower Tor servers often running an outdated version of Tor on MS Windows and/or likely having a misconfigured torrc file. Countries (or territories) with existing embargoes set by the US Treasury Department, the US Commerce Department and the US State Department are now highlighted in bold.

    GeoIP Country / Codes : Afghanistan {af}, Algeria {dz}, Angola {ao}, Antigua and Barbuda {ag}, Azerbaijan {az}, Bahrain {bh}, Bangladesh {bd}, Barbados {bb}, Benin {bj}, Belarus {by}, Bhutan {bt}, Bolivia {bo}, Botswana {bw}, Brunei {bn}, Burundi {bi}, Cambodia {kh}, Cameroon {cm}, Central African Republic {cf}, Chad {td}, China {cn}, Colombia {co}, Comoros {km}, Congo, Democratic Republic of the {cd}, Congo, Republic of the {cg}, Cook Islands {ck}, Côte d'Ivoire {ci}, Cuba {cu}, Cyprus {cy}, Djibouti {dj}, Dominica {dm}, Ecuador {ec}, Egypt {eg}, Equatorial Guinea {gq}, Eritrea {er}, Ethiopia {et}, Fiji {fj}, Gabon {ga}, Gambia {gm}, Ghana {gh}, Grenada {gd}, Guinea {gn}, Guinea-Bissau {gw}, Guyana {gy}, Haiti {ht}, Indonesia {id}, Iran {ir}, Iraq {iq}, Jamaica {jm}, Jordan {jo}, Kazakhstan {kz}, Kenya {ke}, Kiribati {ki}, Korea {kp}, Korea, North {kp}, Kuwait {kw}, Kyrgyzstan {kg}, Laos {la}, Lebanon {lb}, Liberia {lr}, Libya {ly}, Malawi {mw}, Malaysia {my}, Maldives {mv}, Mali {ml}, Mauritania {mr}, Mauritius {mu}, Morocco {ma}, Myanmar (Burma) {mm}, Namibia {na}, Nepal {np}, Nicaragua {ni}, Nigeria {ng}, Oman {om}, Pakistan {pk}, Palestinian Territories (Gaza Strip) {ps}, Papua New Guinea {pg}, Philippines {ph}, Qatar {qa}, Russia {ru}, Rwanda {rw}, Saint Kitts and Nevis {kn}, Saint Lucia {lc}, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines {vc}, Samoa {ws}, São Tomé and Príncipe {st}, Saudi Arabia {sa}, Senegal {sn},Sierra Leone {sl}, Singapore {sg}, Solomon Islands {sb}, Somalia {so}, Sri Lanka {lk}, Sudan {sd}, Swaziland {sz}, Syria {sy}, Taiwan {tw}, Tajikistan {tj}, Tanzania {tz}, Thailand {th}, Togo {tg}, Tonga {to}, Trinidad and Tobago {tt}, Tunisia {tn}, Turkey {tr}, Turkmenistan {tm}, Tuvalu {tv}, Uganda {ug}, United Arab Emirates {ae}, Uzbekistan {uz}, Venezuela {ve}, Vietnam {vn}, Yemen {ye}, Zambia {zm}, Zimbabwe {zw}, Unknown {??}

    Additional : Whilst the GeoIP torrc example is client only i.e. it primarily helps to protect and ensure the safety and freedoms of all Tor Browser users around the globe - it has been pointed out to us that it would also be useful for new (or existing) Tor Bridges in helping to avoid censorship and/or detection (of said Bridges) from 'oppressive regimes' or censors. However, this GeoIP torrc example is not intended for use by Relays or Exit Nodes.

    Reference :

    Reproduction of content is permitted under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.

    " ExcludeNodes node,node,...

    A list of identity fingerprints, country codes, and address patterns of nodes to avoid when building a circuit. Country codes are 2-letter ISO3166 codes, and must be wrapped in braces; fingerprints may be preceded by a dollar sign. (Example: ExcludeNodes ABCD1234CDEF5678ABCD1234CDEF5678ABCD1234, {cc},

    By default, this option is treated as a preference that Tor is allowed to override in order to keep working. For example, if you try to connect to a hidden service, but you have excluded all of the hidden service’s introduction points, Tor will connect to one of them anyway. If you do not want this behavior, set the StrictNodes option (documented below).

    Note also that if you are a relay, this (and the other node selection options below) only affects your own circuits that Tor builds for you. Clients can still build circuits through you to any node. Controllers can tell Tor to build circuits through any node.

    Country codes are case-insensitive. The code "{??}" refers to nodes whose country can’t be identified. No country code, including {??}, works if no GeoIPFile can be loaded. See also the GeoIPExcludeUnknown option below. "

    " ExcludeExitNodes node,node,...

    A list of identity fingerprints, country codes, and address patterns of nodes to never use when picking an exit node---that is, a node that delivers traffic for you outside the Tor network. Note that any node listed in ExcludeNodes is automatically considered to be part of this list too. See the ExcludeNodes option for more information on how to specify nodes. See also the caveats on the "ExitNodes" option below.

    " GeoIPExcludeUnknown 0|1|auto

    If this option is set to auto, then whenever any country code is set in ExcludeNodes or ExcludeExitNodes, all nodes with unknown country ({??} and possibly {A1}) are treated as excluded as well. If this option is set to 1, then all unknown countries are treated as excluded in ExcludeNodes and ExcludeExitNodes. This option has no effect when a GeoIP file isn’t configured or can’t be found. (Default: auto) "

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    Some rights reserved - We disclaim all copyright interest - is an Independent Research Project.

    We are NOT affiliated with the The Tor Project, Inc..

    Reproduction of content is permitted under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.

    "Tor” and the "Onion Logo” are registered trademarks of The Tor Project, Inc.

    “There is no way out or round or through.” - H.G. Wells, Mind At The End Of Its Tether

    "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Love is the law, love under will." - Thelema

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